Thursday, 16 February 2012


HOURS           E X T R A O R D I N A R Y  P R E M I E R E 
 P  R  O  J  E  C  T

C  O  L  L  E  C  T  I  O  N
(Unreleased Sound)

Last Updated : 5th of April 2012

*** Highly Recommended ***


powered by YouTUBE

. Follow The Swiftlets . Follow wikiwalet .

Track No. 1 
A W A R E N E S S 

Track No. 2

Track No. 3
C O L O N Y 
Part 1 (Next Release)

ExtraBooster for 24 hours Project team

(Original Stereo 2011 Version )
"This is where we started."

(Booster 1)
"Swiftlets will never get bored again."

(Booster 33)
"One of the Best SE Booster."

Raw Version

Remastered Version

Featuring WK 
"Very Interesting Sound."


"Time to change your swiftlet sound rhythm."


  1. Pre-Release by today through SoundCLoud .. Try Listen to this Sound before you download Cheers by wikiwalet.

  2. Dear Wiki,

    knowing you is a real blessing! Your Theories worked , I had been using your extraordinary sound for my bh for 2 weeks now the results is fantastic, inside and outside. Sincerely appreciated to be part of your 24 hours project sound, now I understand why you post your video in your youtube :) sifu you are a GENIUS your Wikiwalet COLONYPOOLING & Super Extraordinary AAA 3 is by far the greatest sound i ever had, just for your information my bh population actually increased by hundreds of birds within 2 weeks , what a magic! My dear sifu if u happened to be back in malaysia pls give me a call.

    Btw, I finally understand your Low and High pitch Technique :)

    Thank you very much

    1. I hope you are not sharing away my favourite sound wikiwalet colonypooling .. Btw i am glad my 24 hours project sound seems to be really working. All the best my dear friend :)

    2. wiki can i try sound from wikiwalet colonypooling ?
      thank you and best regard

    3. +1

      wiki can i try sound from wikiwalet colonypooling ?

      thanks ur kind sharing, appreciate it

    4. Wiki tolong kirim saya suara dari wikiwalet colonypooling?
      terima kasih

    5. WikiWalet help me please give me Colonypooling please.

    6. I will not share colony pooling T_T

  3. BOSS Wiki, i combined both sound 1 and 2 .. The result very very TOP . THANK YOU SIFU WIKI . May I have wikiwalet ColonyPooling Please.. :)

    I am a great fan of you. TQ BOSS/SIFU wiki

  4. Dear Wiki, The result of sound 1 is fantastic. Appreciate your effort and your sharing spirit. Looking forward to try your colonypooling................:)

  5. Dear Bro Wikiwalet, i have tried the Track No. 2 which is pooling...The result is very very good... Excellent... Can i have your Track No.3 Colony and Super Extraordinary AAA PREMIERE please....Thanks very much...

    You really are the kindest person...Thanks Wikiwalet...

  6. Super Extraordinary AAA COlony Pooling + Booster 1 + AAA Premiere

  7. Boss wikiwalet your effort highly appreciated Thanks

  8. Wow, i hope can try out the sound too... as everyone comment here so good... Sorry I'm new here, boss Wiki you had done a big sharing with all here... may I know which link you guys comment with very good result?? Pls advice. Thanks!

  9. Wikiwalet ColonyPooling really superb. Looking forward for your Extraordinary Wave . Thanks Boss/Sifu Wiki

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Dear Wikiwalet, i am a newbie from Sarawak... Can i have your Track No.3 Colony and Super Extraordinary AAA PREMIERE and SUPER EXTRAORDINARY AAA V33(Booster 33)please... And i have a Big question here, forgive me if the question is too simple .. Is it pooling means External sound for entrance hole or pooling sound means Hexagon sound ? How about colony sound ? I would be very happy if u can send me the sound ... thank you for your kindness .. my email address is

  12. Hi Wiki, when i have use Hala V2, Result is very good. You can give me Track No 3 anh SE AAA V33. Tks so much. My email: Tks again!

  13. Hi Wiki, I'm also test EV at my BH Ninh Thuận, Vietnam, Result for evening is very, very good!. Tks Wiki, Awaiting for SSAAA V33 from you. Tks

  14. hello boss wiki, saya telah cuba sound track1 dan track2 hasilnya
    sangat hebat... hebat dan diluar jangkaan samasekali.burung datang
    pelbagai arah secara tiba2.boos wiki you memang pakar,
    saya ingin cuba track3 dan SE AAA premier dan EV harap boss wiki
    dapat kirimkan pada saya. email :

  15. Mr. wiki boleh saya mencuba suara SUPER EXTRAORDINARY AAA V33
    (Booster 33).....

  16. dear Wiki,
    SE AAA V33 is very very very good sound. Really appreciate for your work. looking forward to the remastered version :)

  17. To all my friends and new friends who had been following Super Extraordinary Project.

    Please be noted, in order to achieve the best results try mixing all SE sounds together and let it play randomly ... Don't worry birds will not get confuse and best part is your evening session will be much more interesting . Confirmed by wikiwalet! :)

  18. Anyone willing to contribute to this project, just email wiki ( your favourite oldiest sound, Let's see how wiki can revive the sound with SE !

    I have tested this method with many of my favourite sound and it works !


    1. Dear Boss Wikiwalet!
      Befor use 24h projiect wikiwalet sound, I using KGOD, this sound is best and result very well.
      I thing You can make V2.

    2. Without a doubt Kgod is one of the most reliable sound.. Tested in many areas & almost all Asia.. This sound is obviously one of the best.

      However as time goes time all good sound will come to a period known as cooling off period. Same goes to SE, and that is the reason why i have like almost 60 over version of SE till this very moment .. Some people say i am just trying to be different but what matters most i am getting good results for my project & my BH :)

      Part of the reason why most SE booster is so good is because wiki only select the best sound , the best quality files and most important the exact sound for the exact moment my swiftlets birds enjoy most. Try observe how the birds chirp in your bh and if u have good setting you can also try record the sound birds chip while roving at the sky. :)

      All the best & thanks for your contribution my friend

  19. Dear wiki , just for info, Kgod and jaguar is work well at my place.. sibu,sarawak.. and i hope i can try Track No. 3
    C O L O N Y , can i try it ? i will try SE collection as soon as possible and will report the result right here after i try. my email is ... Thanks Wiki for creating such good blog for all the swiftlet farmers.

    1. You are welcome my friend,

      Just for your info, we had already created SE ft.Jaguar & also for Kgod Version the result is really good.

      Thanks for your contribution..

  20. Dear Boss Wiki and Friends,

    Since SE series sounds, EW and HL all seemed to be good at testing, do u think that we can play more than one of these sounds at the same time?

    i mean mayb play on 2 different amps and 2 diff hexagons / bazookas at the same time. Will the birds like it and go crazy? or will they get confused and turn away?

    I will try out this method. For those tried b4 pls comment. I need to justify this method.

    Hope to learn from u all. Thank you. Happy Swiftlet Luring!!!

    1. Dear Walet boy,

      Yes you can play more than one external sound for your bh. Wikis's Bh is designed to play up to 5 external sound, Some ppl say i must be crazy.

      Referring back to your question, my advise is make sure you place your tweeter position properly. My first attempt was a failure but after some tweeter & Sound fine tuning it works fantastic.
      Note: Inspired by Sifu PHD benjamin Chai & Sound PHD sifu Tuck Fook:)

      If you seriously considering this method, my advise is pretty simple - play with the volume, tweeter direction, select the right sound (Consider SE collections birds hardly confuse) and use the Sound Tier Technique.
      Note: Swiftlet likes to fly and play around

      All in all, if you really want to make your bh different from others you need to think out of the box , Birds don't sing the same sound.

      All the best by wikiwalet!

    2. WOW!!! 5 external sounds!!! tht's really amazing Boss Wiki.

      IM currently using 5 amps for my bh. I think i need to get 1 or 2 more to materialize this idea.

      Thanks for the interesting hint again Boss Wiki. Appreciate it.

      Good luck to all walet friends.

    3. use left & right technique .. 5 amps can play up to 10 sounds already ..:)

  21. Dear wiki, can you advice me which pooling sound and which external sound (entrance sound) can be good combo? i plan to try gizmo/wikipooling, then entrance maybe using SUPER E X T R A O R D I N A R Y AAA v33. Currently, my BH using ESRX , but so far the response not really encouraging .. and i wish to learn some technique from dear wiki, about the db that bird like.. how to setting the middle, treble or bass , or maybe high , mid and low ..

    1. u can try consider this option

      - entrance use EH1
      - Pooling / hexagon combine all SE sounds together or introduce one at a time

      Amp setting : try using the conventional method

  22. Dear wiki, EH1 is which sound ? May i have it ? i m trying SEv52 now .. will go check the response next week through cctv.. what does Conventional method means ? Sorry if i ask silly question ..

  23. Dear fellow waleteers,

    can we share our experience on bazooka volume vs birds' response here?

    currently my bazooka volume is just average (due to kampung folks around which might come after me if too loud). i set to 1/4 volume of my 30watt per channel amp. the volume is loud to me but still not able to cause pain in ear when standing near.

    i hav tried playing SE sounds with and without bazooka. when playing with bazooka and the above volume setting, birds's reaction seemed more excited. i mean more chasing around can be seen.

    any frens playing bazooka at painfully high volume and still get good birds response?

    Pls share ur thoughts. cheers!

    1. I am using up to 60% sometimes.. Please don't say i am crazy haha x4. Btw u do not need to play so loud actually as long as it makes its purpose.

      R u trying to blast your neighbour BH ?

    2. beware of the sound reflexion , you do not want your neighbour bh to benefits from your sound . everything there is a pros and cons my friend. !

    3. Dear Boss Wiki,

      Actually im not trying to blast my neighbor's bh. to be exact, other bhs are not in sight from my bh. they are some distance away. just that my bh is kind of quiet/ no action if the time is not near full moon dates. I believe most birds that play to my music are my own bh's birds.
      I just want to attract more birds to come. right now my bazookas are playing at moderate volume only. but with or without the bazooka sound i can see the difference with birds reaction. they got more excited with the bazooka played :)

    4. i am sure you did your research before you place your bazooka.. maybe it is time to update your information. With proper positioning of your bazooka , i am sure the results may eventually improve.. considering you already have birds in your bh i am sure your location must have birds. Use google map!

      good luck

  24. Do you mind to be more specific about sound reflexion? I bet a lot of us dont know what it means, including me -_-! Please open our mind !

    1. few months back, i came to realise one of my nearby bh position his super power bazooka directly to my bh direction, I can hear his bazooka sound pretty clear, even though his bh is just 1.23km away (use googleearth).

      My evening session was pretty quite, birds no longer hang around for long period of time and my own birds coming home late.

      So i seek for great advise from one of our great sifu, his bazooka sound reflexion theory inspired me to come up with a great solution :)

      Guys.. this is a sound forum , so i have the option not to share swiftlet's technique .. :)

      - shooting back your neighbour bh with a high volume bazooka will not help to improve your bh population.

      all the best my dear friend

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. After googling a while i found what "reflexion" means lol =.=
    Boss wiki where are you from atually? Your BH is in vietnam, but you understand chinese,malay,english too.. Im confused ~_~

    1. cause i am a malaysian ! lol!

    2. so you migrated to vietnam already? very smart .. any business industry in malaysia is very messy

    3. Business in vietnam . i travel quite often. swiftlet is just my hobby :)

  27. Dear Sifu Wiki,
    Just to clarify my thought, if i use EH1 for entrance & SEs for pooling (hex etc), do u recommend another sound to pull those birds from the entrance into the roving/nesting? your recommendation/view is very much appreciated... Thanks

    1. r u using any colony sound for your bh ? otherwise you can also consider victory inap.

    2. Dear Sifu Wiki,

      I would appreciate if u can help explain on the usage of colony sound. Should colony sound be used as pulling or played at internal tweeters?

      how does colony sound sounds like? does it sound like Inap Ramai internal sound? with lots of birds communicating at the same time? sometimes this kind of sound sounds quite noisy and confusing. but this should be the sound in a crowded bh.

      Hope Boss Wiki can help to tel me more about colony sound and its usage.


  28. Dear bos wiki,
    my bh di area pantai sabak,pengkalan Chepa, kelantan
    apa suara yg mantap utk dicuba kaw itu
    bh sy dh 3bulan beroperasi

    1. boleh sy try se v42 permulaan

    2. Boss nawir

      Pendapat wiki, untuk rbw baru try cuba suara super AAA dan Suara SE as booster. So far suara super aaa memang terbukti mantap untuk rbw baru berdasarkan result super aaa yang dapat memikat burung walet menetap di rbw baru ..

      So far there are two type of bh owner . type A likes to see birds flying around and type B likes to see birds stay overnight.. So which category are you in?

      maaf pak bahasa melayu wiki tak begitu accurate ;)

    3. ha3x sure i need type B boss Wiki..
      Selain super AAA apa lg yg mantap boss Wiki

    4. Hi Boss Wiki,

      For me, im type A+B = greedy type. haha

      The Super AAA u mentioned above, which version is it? Is it the one at this topic "SUPER EXTRAORDINARY LIMITED EDITION"?

      Pls advise Boss Wiki.

    5. The original Super AAA version.

      SE limited edition is the 3D version + very slight booster added it is for my special need.

      Type AB is actually good. However, you still need to priorities when to be A and when to be B because Swiftlet don't just stay in your bh because of your sound , it is the overall packages and you really need to educate them.

      Don't be discourage if your bh is so far less advance then some bh out there! As long as your bh Package come with sufficient honey the bees will eventually come. But don't turn your bh into a prost bh for swiftlets haha otherwise they might just come and go, worst bringing away your existing birds.. I experienced this chapters of lesson already .. :)

    6. Boss nawir

      Kalau rbw pak sudah achieve comfort zone.. Cuba suara mating , try source for a good mating sound and if possible share with wiki as well.

      Kalau Rbw baru, boleh juga cuba considering you have nothing to lose . kalau pak tak keberatan try cuba guna suara macam redwave 2 dalam rbw . Normally new bh respond burung memang mantap, just imagine 3000 ribu burung di sekitar pak , setiap burung lawat rbw pak sekali, rasanya your 1st 6 months must be really bombastic.

      But my advise is your 1st 3 mths is the most important month and subsequent 3 mths is the most challenging month this is where you need to really play your strategy properly. To go all out getting more birds awareness or to sustain the stay overnight birds for the next 21 days ? The Answer is all depends to you.

      The selection of sound is still depends to what you want.

      All the best my friend.

    7. boss wiki the probs is past 3month around less thn 10birds sudah pening nk try suara apa boss wiki??super aaa sy sudah try n result 5-9 birds come play n go (1week only)...
      thay y im here coz wanna ur advise n to gets best sounds external n internal...(internal redwave 2 n ext is ???)
      sorry boss wiki i dont understand how getting more birds awareness or to sustain the stay overnight birds for the next 21 days. need more advise from u boss wiki..hi3x
      (wanna 200 per day burung lawat rbw sy)

    8. dear nawir .. where exactly is your bh located? Have you tried Duress sound to find out how many birds around your vicinity? if even only 40 birds responded ... your bh is doing well already =_= good luck

    9. tq boss bh at kota bharu n i had tried Duress n around 100 to 200 birds come..hi3x

    10. Roger Boss Wiki. THANKS!

    11. Sorry for the late reply,

      hari ini my whole evening was pretty occupied with work ..

      Boss Nawir, referring back to your bh unique respond by swiftlets.. You really makes me wondering, 1st of all Kota bharu is one of the prime area for swiftlets in malaysia, and i have no doubt if you are getting up to 200 birds for your location check survey.. However what really makes me wondering is how come you are getting so little respond for you BH????

      Boss have you checked your tweeters ? from my understanding irregardless how you place your tweeters birds will still respond to the sound but for in your case it is a bit extraordinary...

      Oh well, considering in wiki's blog there are almost 400 sounds and majority of the sound released are well known sound, have you ever tried any of the sound release in the blog?

      my best advised is try look for the sound D'tsunami for you hexagon although it is a bit classic but this sound is really good. Or else you can consider use redwave2 to test the potential birds for your bh first then only you go ahead with other power sound like Bunaken , krupuk , extreme and etc... this 3 sound above sound be able to perform better for your location compared to the well recognized sound like nemolizer, Black cloud, lacur1411, kgod, Pak AB masterpiece and etc..

      In regards to you bh ,i have no doubt with your design and internal layout considering it is a new concept 2012 BH, unless you are telling me! you built your bh without seeking any advise and you did no research .. :)

      Put it this way, considering based on the information shared.. My strong advise is you should consider start from the basic !

      1st priority - get the swiftlet awareness for you bh use whatsoever good sound you have in mind , you daily sound programme should not be more than 3 sounds. and try not to use more than 2 sound playing at the same time otherwise you will not be sure how the birds responding to your bh and your sound.

      2nd priority - once you are seeing some crowd , try not to change your sound. Your main objective is to gather as much swiftlet droppings as possible for your BH (Inside your bh)

      With all the money you had invested in your bh i am sure you will automatically put extra effort to observe your bh progressed. I am also certain, most of us as the bh owner felt some special & energized excitement whenever he or she launching a new bh.

      Note: make sure you monitor your bh internal /nesting room using your cctv.

      3rd priority - getting the birds to stay overnight , we will discussed this some other time.. that if you successful achieved the 2 priorities above.

      Boss nawir, if possible try sending wiki more information about your bh .. email wiki (

      discuss later...

      all the best

    12. boss wiki can i get the sound d'tsunami from u boss...
      my email

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. TQ Boss Wiki.

    I hav learned many tips through your replies.

    Hope to improve. Mayb i hav been too greedy in the past. whenever i see crowd i tend to make changes to sounds hoping tht it will be even better.

    But i gues tht is not the option here. i should simplify in sounds to get my first 100.

    One ques i would like to ask Boss Wiki. bcos when i download D'tsunami, it says in small note that Preferable to Convert to 320Bits .

    what does the bits of a sound file mean? 128 or 320? richer sound quality?

    Looking forward to ur reply Boss Wiki or also fellow frens who can help me with this matter.

    Good day!

    1. SE v42 is good , i have tested in malaysia ...Amazing booster by sifu wiki .. btw, i don't think it is a wise method to changed the sound from lower to higher .. Please advise sifu wiki!

    2. Please don't change the bit rate 128 to 320 .. Kindly ignore the remarks for D'tsunami.. Changing the bit rate will only makes your files mb bigger.

      Kindly accept my sincere apology for making such a remarks . :)

    3. Roger sifu2. will try to simplify things during my next trip to bh. hopefully will turn out good.
      All the best to all walet people.

    4. boss wiki..can i get the sound d tsunami from boss??:)
      my email

  31. tqvm boss for your advise me :)

  32. Boss Nawir,

    u can download D'tsunami from this link:

    Good luck. I will try the sound soon when i hav chance. It sounds very much like EH1 sound.

    Good Luck!

    1. tqvm my boss WaletBoy...hmm very ur hometown n bh boss Waletboy??

    2. Dear waletboy,

      Considering you have been really helpful and your kind heart & effort to help each other in wiki's blog.. Plus your positive attitude approach for your BH , this is something you should always remember.

      The Key to make your sound Strategy really working towards achieving an increase in Birds population. I am sure not many consultant will share this special key with us as the BH owner , but today wiki will share with my fellows friends.. :)

      Consideration 1 - Sound timing Strategy

      My belief is , all living things need to rest, same goes to baby & adult swiftlet. Today we will be covering our target segment which is the baby swiftlet.

      Adult and baby swiftlet have different stamina level based on this consideration and my detail observation my theory for baby swiftlet will be approximately about 2 hours flying stamina level.

      Therefore my Timing key will be 9am , 11am , 1pm & 3pm vietnam time.

      Again to all my fellows friend who is using SE sound approach , please Play your sound wisely , you do not just want to see birds flying - come and go..

      Our main objectives is to see our own birds!


      by wikiwalet

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Im from sarawak Boss Nawir. with half yr old bh. trying to achieve my first 100 birds. hopefully it will be soon :)

      my mistake earlier on, D'tsunami sound is not similar to EH1. In fact, its similar or i can say the same as one sound i bought from very well known sifu lately. quite sad when i heard what sound D'tsunami was today bcos this sifu told me the sound hasnt been in distributed.

      Boss Wiki, thanks for the extra tip today. im glad to hav found this blog. im able to gain exciting knowledge almost everyday. thank u!

      Happy Walet-ing!!!

  33. Something for you guys to figure out...

    You can actually monitor your BH whenever you are. All you need is just your laptop and Internet Connection .

    Most of us only use CCTV for seeing birds respond, however for I always think the other way round .. I used CCTV as my adviser, and it helps me to make immediate changes to my bh strategy in terms of sound and most important to ensure all my tweeters is working properly . Again all you need is just a Desktop with proper remote access configuration with an internet connection for you BH + A laptop for yourself to monitor your BH.

    It is so much more fun.

    With such set up you can decide the path of your own destiny. Why wait till your next bh visit , use this SOLUTION if you appreciate your beloved investments $$$ ...


    1. good advised n good idea

    2. Too bad monitoring my bh cctv thru internet is not an option for me. due to bh area being too way out. still no internet connection at the moment.
      Hopefully will get internet connection soon at my bh area.
      If i can monitor my bh condition at home, it would b better than watching tv programs!!! haha

  34. Dear Sifu Wiki & all teman2 out there (anybody) with experience on the setting up of internet connection configuring with cctv...
    the basic requirement of hardwares, etc can enlighten us...this is a fantastic idea... thank you Sifu Wiki...

  35. Dear sifu wiki,,6 month old BH, 3 storey 30 x 85 ..2 nests.. it is ok? +- 10 birds stay overnight.. there are 50 to 60 birds stay overnight next to my BH... any things go wrong ? pls advice.thks

  36. Dear boss Lam,

    If i said your bh is doing great you definitely say i am talking no sense. Sincerely, i think your bh is yet to unleash its great potential..

    Ask yourself how is your bh doing for the 1st 3 mths? Many birds surveyed your BH?

    May i know what type of sound you are using for your bh.. Considering you hardly getting any unmatured baby swiftlets (Majority swiftlets birds need up to 7-8 mths some 6 mths to be matured)

    Having 2 nests is a good sign, your humidity and temp is obviously within the exceptable level and i would assumed you must have seek one of the best swiftlet consultant before you even consider building your 3sty bh.

    Only issue is why your bh growth pace slow down ever since your great sifu left? And the 1st thing you should consider before jumping to the conclusion is investigate your swiftlet sound you are using..

    Email wiki your bh details.. let's see what wiki can do about it, subject that you are willing to volunteer your bh using my sound haha!!

    This is my email address remember to add me to your circles otherwise i might miss out your email

  37. Dear Sifu Wiki,
    Really doing great? but the BH next to me is doing better,i started 3 weeks early than him,at the morning session,most of the birds are playing at mine BH,but when evening time,most of the birds fly into their BH. wondering why? even their BH no sounds for 2 weeks time still can attract the birds ?
    i am using Victory Inap now..
    i am willing to volunteer using yr sounds..pls send it to me .
    this is my email adress

    1. Dear boss lam,

      Using victory inap is a very good Decision. There only few probability for you case - your nearby bh is using a better internal sound & correct segment external sound , better entrance & exit design compares to yours, or very likely he is adopting the advance sound technique.

      But today we will not be debating about design let's try working on what you already have... We cannot change a proton saga into a ferrari but my feng shui sifu told me we can always modify our proton saga to move even faster than a ferrari haha!!

      email wiki some information about your external sound concept and your thoughts about your tweeter positioning.. we will work out something just by using sound ..

      best regards

      Note: u owe me a dinner if i am back in malaysia .. hahah

  38. Boss Lam, maybe he's using a good aroma? 2 week without sound and still attract bird is seriously amazing @@
    Anyone here have experience on making ownself aroma? Please share :) i've tried using assorted fruit juice but naa it dont work -_-

    1. One of the matter is collect all the feathers , sent to your chemist friend ask him to attract all the oil in the feather , something like the way they produce perfume .

      My bh not using any special aroma mainly because aroma in vietnam is extremely expensive and the last time i tried to bring back from malaysia airport custom stopped me. All i did was using bird nest water + swiftlet eggs (many abandon nest & eggs due to predator attack )

      Another alternative, breed a lot of insects.

  39. Dear Sifu wiki,
    buying sifu a dinner is my honor.. just drop me a email.
    i will e mail u a photo and may be u can find out the problem for me .( mine is monkey house n the others one using open roof ) but my BH is higher.
    i just changed to Inap Victory about a week time.. n i put few bags of ammonia podwer inside to cover the cement smile..
    will let u know if got any improvement.

    1. try not using the ammonia powder if possible

    2. why ? just put 5 bags inside my BH..

  40. hai apa khabar pak wiki,
    boleh tolong kirimkan saya suara hebat SE52..tkasih.

  41. hallo wiki, good to know your blog. very informative and inovatif. could you please email me colony pooling and desire inap at to read comment about this two) actually i found your blog last week, so i have miss a lot of thing...

  42. hallo wiki, good to know your blog. very informative and inovatif. could you please email me colony pooling and desire inap. thanks

  43. +1. bro can u send me track 3 colony to me>? thx

  44. EXTRAORDINARY SUPER AAA asked me was sound in or out of it.
    and all the sounds in your project's bosses Viki sounds outside or inside. I learn, no experience. thank Viki. I was in Ninh Thuan, Vietnam, are looking forward to learning at Viki. Thanks a lot. mail

  45. can i hv colony sound?

  46. salam wiki,..bersedia kah mengirim suara panggil dan inap untuk wilayah kal-teng..

  47. Wiki, Can i try sound from wikiwalet colonypooling?
    thank you and best regard.
