Sunday, 15 April 2012

24 Hours Project by wikiwalet

U  N  L  E  A  S  H  E  D    T  H  E    G  I  A  N  T    W  I  T  H  I  N    P  I  E  Z  O 



Sound Analysis : Super Extraordinary wave3

Super Extraordinary Xwave Collection Album

Track 1 : SE Xwave 1 ft 20,000 BC (10 mins 20,000 BC preview) Pre-Release
Track 2 : Xwave2 (Booster2) (Tested & Proven) - Hexagon Circling Sound
Track 3 : SE Xwave4 (Booster4) (Tested & Proven) - Hexagon Circling Sound

Xwave Hypnotism Sound Version (OFFICIAL LAUNCHING)

Track 1 : SuperExtraordinary Redwave (xnotism version) by wikiwalet
Track 2 : Entrance Hole 2 ft. Desire ColonyInap by wikiwalet


  1. Dear Mr Wiki, can I request for the colony sound for previous 24H project, my email: thank you very much...

  2. Every project contributor normally enjoy an exclusive sound , most of our contributors in 1st first project was not as lucky as previous 2 projects , we had to fine tune so many expect in the sound , many sound loop was put into real test.

    COlonyPooling was a great success same goes to many other SE v sounds.

    I hope SE xseries will be able to achieve similar or greater success.

    For our New Xseries Project , we will be using many new sound editing technique like sound volume changing from one direction to another and also different method of sound wave in one sound . Our objective is pretty interesting We Will be unleashing the real potential/Giant within this normal Piezo Tweeters using the SE sound.

    Try compare my latest sound test video released as above and the previous version using magnet tweeters.

    To make this New Project successful a team of 5 Volunteer will selected to spearhead our X series sound. Once Xseries sound theory proof to be workable , wiki will then start releasing more Xseries sounds to all wikiwalet Blog followers.

    Thank you Guys!

    1. Volunteer Requirement

      - Hexagon must cover North, east, West & South Direction.
      - 1 special amplifier for your hexagon sound.
      - Left wiring covering Important Flying path & right wiring Covering which ever angle as you wish. .

      Note: Email at least one picture of your BH outlook .. Also remember to add wiki to your +google circles otherwise i might overlook your email.

    2. great effort boss wiki...I'am looking forward for the release

  3. +1'ed wiki please check your email .. =.= i sent u a revised email of mine

  4. Dear Sifu Wiki,
    i wish to take part in the new sound project...
    i'll send details via email...thanks...

  5. Boss wiki, the gizmo sound not really work in my place, Perlis malaysia

    1. thanks boss wong.. i totally agreed with you. not working in vietnam as well

  6. Dear Boss Wiki,
    The NBU by Harry of your latest post is quite different than the previous one in . Any idea which one is better or ori?


  8. Guys please support our BH Bosses for their contribution to this new challenging project "Unleashed the giant within piezo."

    Your contribution in this project and our Swiftlet Sound industry shall be remembered.

    Please remember to check your email for your 1st project sound Xseries sound version .,,,,,

    Important : Please use this sound for your whole day session , irregardless how poor the result is, this will be your 1st assignment.

    In return , wiki will share with you guys THE FULL VERSION EXCLUSIVE SOUND x1 after you have successfully conducted your 1st sound test.

    Note: After you have tested this sound please share with wiki what you understand about this sound..

    Our Discovery is everyone Achievement .


    1. Guys normally at this time around birds respond will be lesser , but this is the best moment to capture as many new birds as possible.

      Most accurate time to understand how your bh performing is 12 - 1 am in the morning.

      Good luck !!

  9. Dear Boss Wiki,

    What r the things we should look out for from 12 - 1 am?
    If i were to look at the cctv, what should i take note of?


    1. Most of the time birds like to party till late in the evening , this is one consideration i think we should take note . Sometimes the increase in numbers of birds as shown in our cctv may not be really accurate because these are just the stay overnight birds and party birds.. So i always believe that the best time to understand how our overall sound really performing will be 12 in the morning .. birds should be settle down by now.. All the party birds should be home by this hour.

      Another good reason why i like to observe this hour reading is because , i also notice more birds occupying my fake nest as compared to before 11pm.

      This is just my belief and may be wrong .. :)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Bro wiki, i will test your XSeries starting 2moro morning .. i think i know what you meant by vividwave technique now^^ will verify it tomorrow :)

    1. hopefully this little difference can give a better results . There will be 4 frequencies in the sound i shared.. if the results is good tend we will be experimenting 6 frequencies .

      Purpose of this assignment is to understand how sound wave and frequencies effecting our swiftlet sound.

      I really need to understand the way how this birds responding to this 2 main areas we will be covering for our X series sound ..

      Thank you

    2. Bos Wiki .... Boleh Email kan X Series Sound.... Email Sy TQ Bos Wiki..... . RB sy Cuma 20 X 20 Sja, RB yg Sy wat Dekat Laut. Skrng masuk 5 bulan udah, brung walet yg Tnggal hnya Ekor sja, Sepasang Sdang wat Sarang...... BOS Wiki Tetap Plihan Sy.

    3. Boss wah cai,

      Wiki will email you a different set of sound as our batch 2 team.. i hope the sound shared dapat membantu...

      btw, pak sudah ada cuba sev52 dan series se tak? What sound are you using at the moment..?

  12. Wish to help but i month enter my bh 1 time

  13. Hi Wiki boss, need more details infor from you. I play this sound at hexagon tower only? How about entrance hole? Currently I set my hexagon tower sound playing time frame 7~9am, 12~2pm and 5~7:30pm... Should I maintain de setting or play the sound full day?

    1. Play the sound whole day on your hexagon, for entrance use eh1 or any working sound in ur area.

    2. Thanks Summer! Will do it on this weekend... Hoping to see a great number of birds stay in my BH!!!

  14. Dear Sifu Wikiwalet,
    Carried out testing of SuperExtraordinary X-series sound
    today...the overall result was very good...
    will continue monitoring tomorrow...

    Thank you Sifu Wiki for this good sound & many fantastic
    good sounds upcoming...thanks again...

    1. great to hear you have tested the your 1st sound .. Boss abarth what you need to do for your tomorrow session is i need you to change the 1st sound to the full version sound ..

      R u using Desire inap? I think you should because for the last few days the numbers of birds occupying my Desire inap Nesting room already increase in numbers..

      All of us will eventually be using the same version of x series sound .. we have till sunday to share out our readings ..

      Guys we will bound to experience lesser birds flying in the sky .. but i am quite certain there will be increased in numbers of birds.. I hope all of us will be able to achieve the same result..

      Good luck

  15. Good news is this time around our team of bosses is so much more willing to help each other .. Now that we have the right attitude , i am sure we can achieve more for our bh... Thank you guys..

    Bosses batch one.. remember to check your email for the remastered full version.. exclusive sound.

    All the best to everyone of us ..

    1. im no boss, jus someone that is very curious and loves swiftlet farming :)

    2. Boss Summer,

      i got the pic of my "almost" waterproof tweeter casing.

      but i cant find ur email, dont remember where u posted.

      if u like to see the pic, pls inform me ur email again.

      Good day!

    3. Bos Wiki.... Boleh Bgi No HP Bos.....????

  16. Dear boss Wikiwalet!
    I was preoccupied in the city of Hue should not hcm city to test sound Xserie. should not have the test report. apologize with you.
    when come back home , I will testing and reporting early results.
    Luky good for you.

  17. boss need thats sound too..sound Xserie

  18. Mr Wiki, can I request for the colony sound for Super Extraordinary Xseries sound...

  19. Dear Boss Wiki and Frens,

    It's only possible for me to change hex sound to Xseries at 5pm as i arrived late at bh yesterday.

    The response of birds to this sound is good overall. but not attracting a big crowd. the birds reacted might be birds from my own bh. When i looked around there were less birds hunting around yesterday if compared to time with many birds.

    Looking at the way of flight when the birds react to this sound, its very much similar to how they reacted to Super A ori version. The birds were flying in an excited manner.

    At the end of the day, by changing to Xseries did not affect the total number of birds that have returned. The total bird count was same as last Monday.

    But further monitoring is needed to see the final outcome of this new sound.

    Boss Wiki, thanks for sending the full version of Xseries. Right now should i stick to playing the 1st Xseries or should i change to the new full version?

    and 1 more question pls. as the left channel of the Xseries sound is for important flying path / facing entrance, but my amp has channel A and B..... how to distinguish which side i should plug for the important flying path sound? A as in Left and B as in Right? bcos when i try to listen from pc speakers i could not distinguish which channel is for the important flying path. Pls help me with this Boss Wiki and frens. im afraid i might hav got it upside down :(

    Thank you very much :)


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. try with facing entrance hole as your important flying path.. normally will not go wrong ... my Important flying path is NW. This path varies for every single BH.. However if the sound is good don't worry you will still get birds.

      Now that you have tested the first sound i need you to change to the full version as well.. Try compared this both sound. In term of pooling yes walet boy X series will tend to have lesser pooling impact but overall this sound is meant for attracting baby birds.. there are many loops been mixed within the sound .. Your assignment is to play x series whole day for the next few days... btw, i am quite certain x series can deliver better results for morning and afternoon session as for evening session guys you tell me..

      Remember best time to attract baby birds is in the morning session.. you do not want to miss the important hours..

      We all will work something out from this sound..

      All the best

  20. Please send audio.Super Extraordinary Xseries sound ( Thank you )

  21. Yea i tested the trial XSeries for 1 whole day 18/4 the result :
    Morning : Lots of bird attracted to it playing near my bh very excited keep banging the tweeter lol
    Afternoon : Average bird playing, some birds in the sky tend to fly toward my BH and survey a while before they flew away again.
    Evening : so-so only

    I think the 1st Xseries is good for morning section from 7am - 11am..
    NOTE : i m playing my amp volume at 9o'clock which is quite soft.. as i don't wan them to play too much and forget about my entrance hole -_-!!

    Boss wiki, the full version right/left wave pattern is the same... right?? Im still noob at this, please correct me :)
    If possible i want to take part in the next experiment too >_<!

    WaletBoy as for your LEFT/RIGHT problem, look behind your amplifier where the wire are connected to the knob. There WILL always be marked L or R. Plug your L knob with important flight path and R to the hex. Btw my email =

    Happy waleting^^

    1. Thanks Bro Summer, i wasnt noticing it at first. Thanks for pointing it out for me.

      How is the outcome of full version Xseries? how does it affect ur total bird count at end of day?

      I can only try out this weekend when i go to bh again.

    2. The wave patter for full version , you can say it is the same.. because what i did was i mixed the different wave into the the equal wave , in theory by right the birds should be able to sense the different wave and also the different loop inside the full version.

      Note: wiki have not mastered the skill, to come out with an ALL IN ONE SOUND as claimed by many sifu.. the best i can do is loop the sound for different time.. Anyone tested the super ALL in one sound and experience the magic result? kindly share with us your experience , it will be really interesting if i can do the reverse engineering and understand what the super magic our great sifu had mastered .. thank you

    3. wiki can you give any example for ALL-IN-ONE sound? I can't reverse engineer but surely more people helps :)
      Btw, i tested the full version today.. the result is almost liek the trial version, morning is still the best for this sound. Sadly i can't really stay late to count the birds returned home..
      Dear Waletboy did u sent me the picture yet? Thanks all^^


      Sound name Multi guna All in one revisi B by awi club

    5. expensive sound it seems ...

    6. Dear Wiki boss, how to use this sound? entrance or hexagon tower? 1st time i heard this. Oh ya, last night i check the left & right sound for the X-series seem both side same. Wiki, is there any different btw left & right sound?

    7. Dear Boss Wiki,
      To merge 3 to 4 sound for simultaneous playing is not difficult by using Audacity. Use import button to open the target sounds(e.g. 2 to 4) to the same working page, trim them into same length or add silent in between to make them to same length. Then use export button and save one file. The challenging part would be how to select proper sound and which bit rate to use. FYI, I had never tried yet and might find time to do so by end of this month.

  22. Dear Sifu Wikiwalet,
    Today tested the full version X series...
    The morning slot from 0730-0830 with good response
    0900-1100 response intermittent
    1200 to 1400 response similiar, intermittent...
    1800 onwards was good, however no big crowd...

    if i compare yesterday result with todays, it seems yesterdays
    result was better than today result, probably the birds were more excited due to fact that it was a new sound yesterday... however result not conclusive yet... on the whole it was very encouraging...
    Thank you boss Wiki...

  23. I am glad you guys getting respond from our x series project. My bh is less fortunate for the last 2 days my evening session was so quiet and my swiftlets only return after 7.15pm some as late as 9pm However my cctv reading showing great increase in numbers of birds..

    Initially i thought it was the changes in weather , but today i come to understand that all the birds being attracted to an empty piece of land Playing stress sound approx. 500 meters away from my bh, not only my birds my surrounding bh as well haha!

    What really make me curious is , why my bh is getting sudden increase in numbers of swiftlet? is it the stress sound ? or is it the x series super AAA version sound ? Anyone experience similar experience , kindly share with all of us please..

    Thank you

  24. Dear Boss Wiki,

    U mean walets are able to return home in pitch black 9pm?

    Well, i my self never stayed so late to monitor this behavior.

    How about other frens? what are ur experience about walet return late night?

    If this is true i think i will need to readjust the off time of my external sound.

    Thanks guys.

    1. Yes they do.. Some as late as 11pm.. don't be surprise swiftlet have unique behaviour .. so what you are getting in your bh till 8pm may not be actual reading!

      I have also personally experienced seeing swiftlet flying around lamp post late in the evening around 10pm , initially i thought it was not swiftlet but after close observation i can see very clearly it is swiftlet birds ..

    2. Boss Wiki,

      Thanks for sharing another piece of important walet info.

      i think i got to extend my ext sound playing time til late nite now :)

      Will test Xseries full ver today if possible.

      Looking fwd to it.

    3. i agree what wikiwalet said ... number of swiftlets i calculate from 6:50pm until 7.15pm always less nowadays. In fact, the number of swiftlets are more than what we can observe and count at cctv. For example,i have 80 bird nests, it also means i have at least 160 swiftlets right? but the number swiftlets that observe from cctv only around 80 to 90 .. this is my personal experience ..

  25. i guessw walet only go back home late because they don't have enuff to eat? in agriculture land where food is A LOT i don't even see bird around in the sky during the sunset time lol .. not a single bird

  26. SE xSeries seems to be really working... great Morning and afternoon session , hopefully today evening i will be achieving the similar result like day 1..

    Guys wiki will be looking for 5 more Volunteer to experiment our project x 2nd Sound - category pooling Interested email wiki your bh picture and make sure you have your hexagon properly set up with 2 wiring Left & riGHt...

    All the best

  27. ha3x good luck for your SE xSeries boss Wiki..

  28. Dear Sifu Wiki,
    me too +1... thanks

  29. Sifu may i also volunteer to test out your x pooling series sound please! i will update my report thank you sifu wiki

  30. me too, wiki.

  31. Dear Boss Wiki n frens,

    I changed to Xseries Full Vers at 4.30 pm today.

    Not much action after the sound change.

    But after 6pm the birds reacted in frenzy mode to Xseries sound. But the crowd is not big.

    Quite strange today bcos my bh birds returned 15 minutes earlier than usual. anyone else experienced this?

    Im not sure the earlier return is due to Xseries or other factor. one thing different today i noticed is there was cool breeze blowing. wonder if this was the cause.

    By changing to Xseries did not affect the number of birds returning home. the total birds return had increase by few numbers too.

    Will monitor again as i hav more time at bh tomoro.

    Best of luck fellow waleteers!

    1. Just stick with x series for one more day.. sunday wiki will launch our phase 3 sound.. so remember to check your email tonight..

      Guys now you know how difficult it is for us to really come out with one good sound.. :)

      so many expect we need to cover .. one thing i like about the x series is i am getting more birds population as compared to the previous v series.. although the numbers of birds responding to v series with magnet is so much greater.. After using all piezo tweeter i came to understand why some of our friend out there not getting the respond like i am getting when i am using my magnet tweeters.

      I hope with all the readings we get we will be able to come out with the solution for piezo by next week .. Because once my magnet tweeter arrived very likely i will change back to my magnet setting.. Your feedback is very important for our project... And i hope we all can work together achieving the best out of piezo..

      All the best to everyone in this project
      by wikiwalet

  32. +1. please share with me Xseries.

  33. Looking forward for phase3, so far xseries worked well for my all piezo BH during the morning and afternoon time slot, ty bro wiki.

    I think the reason why we get more birds returned home when using xseries is becuz those extra birds are of those teenage birds that stayed in our bh when we played the xseries morning/afternoon? Just my 3cent theory... Someone experienced please comfirm.

    Thanks all <3

  34. I hope our vietnamese friend is getting good results for today session.. Looking forward to hear from you guys.. today the weather condition in vietnam is exactly perfect , the responds i am getting today is so fantastic unlike for the last few days, although seeing good improvement in numbers of swiftlets..

    All i did for today was changing my sound volume and my sound programme to phase 3.

    So my next question is, how exactly our phase 2 doing ? I hope our vietnamese boss volunteer can share us your feedback.

    Another good news is , tonight wiki will be releasing the phase 3 sound and also the sound programme to all our 1st batch volunteer, Hopefully tomorrow sunday will be a special day for our project team members..

    Cheers ...

  35. Dear Sifu Wiki, the victory of our Sifu/Boss Wiki...
    Thank you...

  36. dear wiki, i've not received your phase 3 sound please do re-send ty

  37. Dear Boss Wiki and frens,

    Xseries Full Vers Day 2:

    Was able to monitor the response whole day. The sound did not attract many birds to come play. its pretty much same response for morning, afternoon and evening session.

    I personally think that it is related to the bird's behavior and not the sound.

    But my own birds do like the Xseries. they played in excited mood for quite a while before going in.

    Again i experienced birds coming back earlier than before. almost 20 minutes earlier (using Xseries). anyone else can justify?

    took a short visit inside bh yesterday. Desire Inap is showing very positive signs. Thank you Boss Wiki.

    Looking forward to try the phase 3 of Xseries.

    Walet....Walet....Pls come to my bh....hahah

  38. Dear guys,

    I am glad all of us getting good result results for morning and afternoon session. However i need you guys to reconsider the results base on this few consideration i am going to highlight out..

    1st of all i had to agreed with walet boy , yes birds tend to return pretty early. This scenario happened in some part of the year and this is actually a good sign showing your birds is very much prepared for nesting .. I only come to notice my birds started returning early yesterday, last few days was way late, however with ewoo3 i am still getting great respond from the birds maybe it is the new sound effect plus my existing birds.

    For all of us in this project, we should be glad the vividwave method in x series is acceptable by the birds otherwise your own birds will not be responding and very likely we might not be seeing improvements in our bh..

    However, we definitely need to look into the selection of sound if we would want to really unleashed this giant in our piezo. Our phase 1 & 2 tend to be a little bit moderate and safe selection of sound (unmatured swiftlet segmentation) , which is not a bad decision because at least we know , in future we can always look into this frequency changing technique to deliver better result for our swiftlet sound and also now you have another set of my favourite sound :). Base on the feedback i am getting i am glad most of us experiencing almost the same result, now that we understand how this swiftlet behave for our morning, afternoon & evening session, I had also worked out something with the sound programme , which i believe may be the answer for our evening session (super extraordinary wave 3 (x version) )- i am supposed to send over for today programme but in view to my internet connection down it is sad i am unable to upload this big files to you guys.. (still trying to upload but always disconnected)

    Referring back to my observation consideration , i need you guys to also reconsider your feedback because it is really important if we need to get the right information..

    - for those experiencing bird returning home early , there are possibility lesser birds responding in the evening because not only your birds will be returning home early this also apply to your surrounding bh birds as well, so very likely you will be seeing more birds passing in the afternoon and lesser in the evening . If the sound wave is okay you should be seeing birds circling for short period and straight away rushing home..
    Note: Keep track on which direction this birds flying towards.

    - strong afternoon responds , this may not mean the sound is good , very likely this birds is your own birds rushing home preparing themselves to complete their nest & your surrounding birds passing by . Note: own birds normally don't play the entrance hole they normally just head back to their nesting room. New birds will tend to find their way to master the entrance and exit way ..

    Remaining flying around birds may also be your own birds hanging around + new birds.

    Evening session , don't expect super crowd because at this time around birds are 2 busy preparing they nest, but yet if the sound is good you should still be able to see birds come and go ..

    All in all , morning session is still the most important session, this is the only time we can capture as many young birds as possible. Because the young swiftlet will be following their parents out to hunt for food and this is where we hunt for our new swiftlets . IF our evening sound is good we should be able to capture some stay overnight birds as well. SUBject your bh is strategically located as their flying path.

    What i highlighted is merely my belief and may not be 100% accurate.. but we should put this in our observation consideration as well.

    Guys you should get your phase 3 solution 1 programme once my internet line is back to normal condition.. At the moment all my remote access and cctv is temporarily down as well .. connection always hang.

    all the best
    by wikiwalet

    1. The good result i am getting , may not even be accurate because maybe it is just my own birds .. !!!! Therefore i need you guys to share your feedback , where is our vietnamese boss?? :)

  39. Dear Boss Wiki n frens,

    Through my observation and shallow experience in waleting, i feel that if the morning session is good and roving room traffic is heavy, there will be increment in the evening.

    Last week's morning session had been quite good. But when i see at cctv for the last 3 days morning session was quite cold response.

    Due to my bh population is not big, i am able to observe that the birds responded to Xseries at my place is my own bh birds. But they do chase and play around in excited manner before entering bh. I feel that this is sign of the sound is good. Before i use Boss Wiki's sounds, very few of my own collection sounds can make birds play before entering. mostly they will just enter straight away.

    Hope our observation here can help Bos Wiki come out with good sound for attacking all time sessions of day.

    Looking forward to try X3.


  40. Ty again boss wiki for such useful information^^
    I have been using xseries for 4day now, so far so good@
    I see birds everyday play around my bh and some entered in the morning, although not many but u know, i tried lots of sound b4 only a handful have this effect.

    Exactly as you said afternoon(13.00-16.00) birds jus fly across my bh, circle a while, chirp den run off. Those who enter mh bh never even bothered to respond to the tweeter lol

    Evening im getting better respond den anyone else,10-20birds playing all the time. My entrance sound is blasting a bit louder(edit this in audacity).

    Thats all i have to report, happy experimenting guys <3

  41. phase 3 released.. please check your email guys..

    sound analysis video will be release tomorrow for your reference... Remember what you see in the video is what you are supposed to get for your bh..

    cheers to all my fellow friends

  42. Dear All,

    I just played the X-series on Saturday 6pm. Below is my observation time.

    6pm~7:30pm (rainy day) = birds come back 20 minutes earlier, I not so sure due to sound or rainy day. birds cicling the tower before they enter BH. nice scene...

    9:30am~12:30pm (cloudy day) = not much birds response, i saw birds group flying nearby BH searching food but not approaching my hexagon tower. Old birds back into BH to feed baby directly without playing at outside as well.

    I will play this sound until this weekend for a more solid result.

  43. Dear Boss Wiki,

    Many of us may not able to experience the good result as what in your video, even we copy the same sound timeline outlined in your email. The main reason could due to the variance of both micro (BH internal) and macro (bird population and # of BH around).

    One of other key factor could be what type and condition/setting of tweeter. Could you please provide some guideline and hints so that we can follow your footstep closely?
    1) Your preferred Piezo Tweeter (brand/model)?
    2) Your preferred magnetic Tweeter (brand/model)?
    3) Brief of setting such as volume/tremble, how the combination/nos of Piezo/Magnetic at different location (such as roof top, entrance hole, roving room etc)

    Thanks in advance

    1. Dear Xian

      Try out the phase 3 sound programme.. :)

      Don't worry about the tweeters because at the moment i am just using simple DIY piezo tweeters for my hexagon , No special magnet tweeters whatsoever..

      Sound Interesting , definitely it is because that is how we push our limits and this is exactly what i call exploring the impossibles .

      Good Luck

  44. Hi Wiki, Please send Xseries to me,, tks wiki, I'll test in Vietnam and send resutl again.
    TKs Wiki

  45. I want to do this test too. send mail to me: luumanhden @ gmail. com.
    thanks wiki

  46. I have a small share of Tweeter. I am using Tweeter as made ​​from ambulance, police. for a 90 degree angle to the sky for a year then, rain water on a regular basis without damage. you should try.

    1. I seriously like your fantastic suggestion.. where can we get this type of tweeter ? This is so interesting!

  47. Hi wiki,
    can i have Xseries to test in Kedah.
    Will feedback to you my test result.
    My email address:
    Thanks wiki

  48. Xwave sound New Contributors :-
    luumanhden@gmail. com

    1. Anyone name i miss out please kindly remind wiki thank you !

    2. exclusive to 50 members only .

    3. Hi ,Wiki , me too ,TQ .

    4. Dear wiki, i want to join and try too .. Thx ..

    5. Dear wiki,I go to check my e-mail just now but didn't receive u e-mail.Please send it once again.My e-mail is

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. Dear Boss Wiki, my email are in your list but i didn't receive it yet. May you please send it to me again please..? Thanks lot,

    8. Hi Wiki, my email in your list but didn't receive it too. Could you pls resend to me again. Thanks

    9. Dear Sifu Wiki,

      What is the Xwave sound? another new sound?

      I hav tried playing EW3 from 5pm onwards yesterday and was able to observe until night fall.

      Response of birds towards this new sound is very GOOOOOD. i can see the birds being hyper active chasing around most of the time. This sound did bring a bigger crowd if compared to x1 sound. At end of day, introducing EW3 just hours before night fall did not affect the number of birds returning. Total no was same. birds did not return early this time. return time was as normal.

      I did put the full sound program to play for whole day starting 5am today. but today i was not able to visit bh. so no update of result for today. hopefully can make a visit for tomoro.

      I think the sound program should be good by bringing changes so as own birds will continue to play with music and in turn attract other new birds to visit bh.

      How about the result of other frens with EW3?

      Boss Wiki, mayb we can come up with standard form for each sound test ie. weather, tweeter type, no of crowd, typical behavior of birds toward sound. then we can share the result and test info.mayb this can help us better to understand sound and behavior of birds. anyways just my own opinion.

      Thank you for another great sound :)

    10. I didn't receiced your link too. wiki. please resend me

    11. Dear Bro Wiki, I've also tried EW3 sound program from 6.30am onwards till night fall. Response wise was good in the morning session with alot of birds circling or rather chasing around the hex but not really attacking the EH, afternoon session lesser birds circling the hex.Tried to observed this evening but couldn't do so cos it was raining heavily till nite fall.

      Will observed again 2molo. Btw EH using SE-X1.


    12. +1.boss wiki, saya tidak terima email dari boss wiki
      harap boss hantar sekali lagi.

    13. Bos Wiki.... Sy dah Trma Email dri Boss, TQ.... ku Doa Bos Sntiasa C hat dan murah Rezeki.

  49. Dear Mr Kiwi,

    I have just checked my email but didnt see any email from you. pls send it to me again. my email :

    Thank you and best regards

  50. Boss wiki, me too

  51. I have just checked my email but didnt see any email from you. pls send it to me again.
    thank wiki .

  52. Dear Sifu Wiki,
    me too, i did not received any email...

  53. Dear Sifu Wiki,
    May i test too?

  54. wikiwalet, i hope i can have this sound too ..

  55. Tolong untuk,trmksh

  56. 1+,boss wiki.saya tidak terima email dari boss.please resend
    sekali lagi. email :

  57. dear wikiwalet
    can i have SE Xwave 1 ft 20,000 BC test in thai. thanks ^^


  58. Please send audio. Thank you

  59. Dear Wiki,
    Implement the sound prog which Boss Wiki recommended.
    Response @ starting of EW03 was very good...followed by intermittent response...these scenarios happened also similar for the morning & evening session...very encouraging indeed...

    Also "occasionally" heard some "surround sound" effect when i stand outside my bh watching the birds flying...

    Dear Sifu Wiki, is this the 'vividwave' sound effect which u have been highlighting !!! the effect i am getting/hearing maybe wroungly described...pls enlighten us...But the birds like it vey much i can see it...

    Will continue to monitor... Thank you Dear sifu Wiki for the fabulous sound...

    1. there are 4 wave in EW03 :) Yes in certain part of the sound you should be able to hear some sound movement ..

      Boss abarth remember to use the booster sound .. u won't regret how effective this sound combined with ew03 :)

    2. Dear Sifu Wiki,
      can't wait to carry out the testing of Xwave boosters...
      really appreciate your unrelent efforts in this project...
      Thank you Boss...

  60. Yea the sound isnt jus plain music it have those moments where i can hear it very vividly... Have tested ew3 for 2wholw day now, same as Xv1 mostly bird gather around 7am until 9am, after that i can only see a few bird occasionly playing around my bh.

    Until 5pm(peak time) more bird responded, result continue until 6.50pm b4 nitefall. I bet I did follow wiki sound program correctly, mayb its jus wiki bh population is high whereas most of us just started?

    Anyonelse with high bh population(150+nest)please share the result u achieved.

    Btw since so many new members we got here, why dont u guys +1 SEv49 topic sp we can get it released ASAP@Cant provide linking cuz using andriod now

    Best of luck all O:-)

    1. Summer go for Se xwave booster .. u cannot go wrong.. :)

      I can assured u will like this combination .. Besides it is about time to change your SE booster sound ...

      Ew3 already covered majority of the pooling sound , If we use the SE 52 and the rest it may sounded like Pooling + Pooling+ Hexagon Circling+ Pooling+ Hexagon + Entrance hole + Pooling.

      Too much pooling birds .. My new theory is .. Pooling + Hexagon Circling + Enter BH + Pooling .. Try this new Combination.. Use ew3+xwave2+ew3+Se xwave 4..

      I notice so much more lasting crowd and more birds entering BH .. This is Unleashing the giant Piezo project , we should always push our limits to the max . Always beat our best achievement.

      All the best.

      by wikiwalet

    2. Hi Wiki, can send me ew3 for test . Kamsia wiki .

    3. Hi wiki, l received 2 kali your 2 Xwave 2 . 10Q 10Q. May l know the 2Xwave2 , same as EW3 ? can l have the EW3 , so that l can try EW3 + xwave2 +EW3 +xwave2.. Thanks in advance Sifu Wiki .

  61. Bro, Can i try this sound , TQ!

  62. Boss Summer,

    I help u to paste the link hehehe bcos i wan to have this sound too :)

    Pls +1 guys!!!!!! GO GO GO GO GO GO GO GO!!!!

  63. In the programme what i did was .. Pooling + Booster + Pooling + Booster .. After some fine tuning I come to understand that our booster sound had to be Birds playing with hexagon sound instead of the SE version where we have Pooling+ birds playing with hexagon sound+ internal & External..

    Good news is I had been working on few extra more booster i think you guys will like it.. SO remember to follow the Xwave Collection (This will be our project booster sound) ..

    All the best.

  64. Many thanks in advance Boss Wiki.

    Really appreciate your kindness to share and help newbie like me.

    THANK U :)

    Looking fwd to the future great sounds.

  65. Hi wiki ,
    did not see any reply from you Sir .

    1. Boss Ah Min,

      xwave Booster sound is made available to everyone.. however , those who provide wiki your email will also be getting a copy of this sound through your email

      This two sound is origin famous sound by our great sifu.. All I did was the frequencies and some touch up for this sound in order to suit Our EW3 Pooling sound..

      Cheers.. wikiwalet

    2. 10Q 10Q Boss Wiki ...can l have EW 3 to combine the test . kamsia boss wiki.

  66. Replies
    1. didnt receive xwave 2 can u send again?

  67. GUYS & GALS

    Now that i had sacrifice my Bh to conduct so many trial for This project Booster sound , I hope all of us here can at least contribute by testing out some new Xperiment sound !!

    Are u with me ???

    1. sure, my bh is a big labrat anyway =.=

    2. Dear Boss Wiki,

      Will conduct heavy test this weekend with your latest suggestion, EW3 + xWave2 + EW3 + seXwave4.

      One last question, will this combination work fine also for magnetic tweeter or horn tweeter(e.g HP5000)?


    3. Hi Xian, I'm using horn tweeter HP2000 for my hexagon tower. I also will do this test during this weekend.

      Hi Wiki, may I know which sound is the best for birds returning home time? As for my time zone, birds start back home from 6:30pm til 7:30pm

    4. Will Piezo sound frequency be able to deliver the same effect with magnet? .. Sincerely I do not know, However in theory i think as long as all the right frequency is made available in the sound the result should be okay..

      As for the wave part this is something u guys might want to consider because every wave will send different energy/current through the sound, what i worried most is this may affect the lifespan of our sensitive magnet tweeter..

      Again i am sure many good sound sold by our sifu also come with some part where u can hear transition of wave , good news our magnet tweeter is doing just fine ..

      As for the Compressor driver , one thing i notice is piezo sound delivered through compressor driver is definitely not friendly to human hearings ..

      Referring back to the magnet tweeter - Hp5000 & hp2000 both of this magnet tweeter deliver really strong and powerful sound , good tweeter .. Btw some ppl say hp2000 is more lasting as compared to hp5000.

      Boss tiger, you just asked me a very interesting question, and my answer is .. Irregardless what sound you play as long as it is a real swiftlet sound (with proper basis), your own birds should be able to return home, maybe few may end up super drunk in some disco BH but this birds will still come back unless they are kidnap by some pretty swiflet babe..

      Note: if birds surveyed your bh that is good sound, whereas 0 bird responding to your bh that is obviously not a swiftlet sound.

      To be really safe my advise is try not to change your entrance hole/flying path sound , if possible always make sure you have a primary sound .. For my bh it is obviously the SE calling sound.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. Hi Wiki , tqvm for your 2Xwave2(Booster) . GBU Wiki ...10 Q 10 Q 10 Q

  70. Hello Wiki , thx for the xwave2 very much but i also hopefully that wiki also can send me EW3 to try out wiki's combination sounds .. by the way i also trying out that xperiment on my new bh lol ..
    here is my email

  71. +1
    Dear Mr.Wikiwalet,

    Thank you for SUPER EXTRAORDINARY Xwave2. I has received it.wish you always have good health.

  72. Guys don't forget to test out the Xperiment 1 sound please .. this sound start with double SE calling and follow by some new loop we can look into for our future booster sound.. i am sure u guys do not want to miss :)

    So remember to give this sound a 30 mins chance okay!!

    1. Dear Boss Wiki and fellow waleteers,

      i had tested Xperiment 1 sound for abt 20 minutes yesterday evening before changing back to EW3 for the final rush hr before birds return. Overall Xperiment 1 sound is able to gather birds and get them to play around EH. More birds rush over to join in the crowd when the sound reached the BC part.

      But Xperiment 1 sound was not able to make the birds circle above hex tower unlike Booster 2 and 4. Both booster 2 and 4 looked good. i enjoyed watching the circling action of birds. Thru my observation, i feel than Booster 4 is more attractive to the birds in my area. Most birds that reacted to the sound test i feel were my own birds.

      I used the left channel for one of my piezo tweeters at EH. i can see thru cctv that Xwav Booster 4 can effectively bring in the birds to play at roving room.

      Within the last 2 weeks i can hardly see many birds flying around my bh area. is it only myself experiencing this scenario? Even the full moon days birds are scarce. mayb like Wiki said birds r busy with nest making. When is the next good time that birds will come out to play again? pls advise me since i still dont know how to tell the mating season and stuff like tht.

      I noticed thru cctv that the morning session had been good with EW3. my roving room was quite busy.

      I set the EW3 + Xwave Boosters sound program to play starting today. Will update again when i go to bh mayb saturday.

      Boss Wiki, pls advise when is good time to change sound? how frequently do i hav to change if i use the sound program? if i change sound, only change the booster part( 30minutes) and remain the EW3?? Pls advise me.

      Thank you.

      Cheers :)

    2. Sifu Wiki,

      Could u pls advise on how to effectively change sounds when we r using the sound program? should we change the 30 minutes sound only or change every single sound in program?

      I will try the boosters as internal pulling sound. i think it should be good. thanks.

      Cheers :)

    3. It was my 2nd day using EW3 and Xwave booster sound program. I was able to monitor the evening session yesterday. The sound program worked very well as my bh was able to gather crowd for long evening period. total numbers increased as well. Thumbs UP Boss Wiki. Thank u.

      The morning session was good too.

      looks like the different freq and volume really make birds crazy.

      But how long will the program last Boss Wiki? pls advise. When to make changes?

    4. Later i will send all of u a simple diagram .. in future u make ur own sound programme..

      Now that u all already have the concentrated sound , it is time for u all to make ur own sound programme

      i wish u all Success forever

      Note: do not miss out Super Extraordinary Xwave1 ft 20000 bc in your programme :)

  73. Boss Wiki, please send the two sounds to me through email:
    Thank you Sir!

  74. Dear wikiwalet, another stupid question i have to ask ... what is the different between pooling and booster? what i thought is that both pooling and booster are using for hexagon, am i correct? and where can i get the EW3 ? can i have the sound pls !

    1. My dear Friend,

      There is no stupid question in life , we are all born curious to know...

      My definition for pooling is gathering sound , sound we normally use for panggil purpose. This type of sound works best for attracting birds to survey our bh but normally birds come and go .. That is the reason why i come up with the booster sound to bring down the percentage of birds come and go by attracting the birds to circling around our hexagon and hopefully may eventually end up in our bh and stay overnight.

      All swiftlet sound available in the market same goes to the sound shared by me is not 100% capable of delivering the results because we are not swiftlet birds but we try our best to deliver the closes result.. End of the day it is still the birds to decide.

      Referring back to your second doubt, allow me to clear your thoughts .. Pooling and booster both are use for hexagon however, you can also consider using booster for your entrance hole and your internal external sound... No promise but base on the theory i think there should not be a problem ..

      WHere you can get the EW3 :) .. Obviously you are asking the right person.

      Check you email ..

      all the best

  75. Boss /Sifu Wiki

    DESIRE INAP Super Mantap for my bh , BIrds immediately start nesting , not going out from nesting room. Thank you for sharing such a fantastic internal sound sifu..

    I followed your sound programme, my existing birds spend most of their time at home nowadays.. Although this is quite normal for BH with more than hundreds of birds but i had to say Swiftlet likes EW3 and SE sound.

    will test the booster 2 & 4 this sunday ..

    Thank you sifu

    1. Bro, may i know what is the sound program u doing now ? what is your combination for the sound? and may i know where to get EW3 ?

    2. why have you not volunteer yourself earlier ? and this is something i really don't understand , we have like thousands visitor in this blog per day and almost 200 members in this group but only 20 willing to take the effort to register under google and click +1 .. where is the rest ? Wait and See or just busy downloading.. ..

      THe Figure i mention is based on google analytic results so there should not be a mistake .. besides my facebook fan already exceed 2000 swiftlet friend covering almost all part of the world.

      Anyway, Considering i am not here to market anything so there is no concern .. but i will still share to whom really needed it .. Back when i started , even after i beg for sound no one bother to share , worst part i ended up buying a so called cave nemolizer from him .. haha what a joke in life..

    3. i bet lots of us had the same experience as you and jus can't get over the first time we were humiliated in the industried.. that's why most of the farmers get very selfish and not willing to share ANYTHING

      However i can feel that it's started to change, ppl starting to share out their sound for free and help those newbie in needs the past few months(what i observed in the web)

      Maybe crisis is not such a bad thing afterall??

    4. Haha ya agree with you last time humiliated by consultant say my internal sound(victory inap) "is this how baby bird sing?" then keep laugh at me like idiot

    5. Btw your Desire Inap super good.

      Good days Wikiwalet ^^

    6. Oh dear , did you explain to your friend victory inap is actually a very 2 good all in one sound..? This sound is highly voted as one of the best sound in facebook survey.

      special Thanks to walet bontang

    7. BOss summer you should thank me for this swiftlet sound revolution changes , i had received so many love letters from consultant when i first started this trend.. lol!!

    8. I wanted to say its a good sound but when he keep saying "who would put external sound for internal" then ask his assistant and his assistant say "even i dunno swiftlet farming by listening it i know its a bad sound" then the laughing continues... you know how bad i felt =.= btw he got alot BH he also dun trust flying path all his bh face sunrise

    9. Entrance hole facing sunrise is not wrong.. My entrance hole facing sunrise is doing pretty good and i had to agree with pak ab birds wear ray ban sunglasses sunrise should not effect the in and out flying method...

      what really important is how your entrance hole and your roving room layout always had to be inline with the birds flying method - clockwise or anticlockwise.

      Btw, i can also understand why your consultant do not agree with victory inap because in short run we might get birds staying in our bh but long run the nesting process may slightly be slower compared to a good internal sound(in theory). Again only the birds can tell.

      But i cannot except his assistant remarks saying Victory inap is a bad Sound, this also tell us one thing good consultant sometimes forgotten their actual purpose and most of the time blinded trying to make improvement to client BH.. But i believe by the time he understand what Victory inap can deliver he will never make such remarks again in future.

      For your info, our malaysia one of the most well known blogger also agreed and adopted Victory inap style of sound technique.. :)

  76. Br0 Wiki, tested your ew003 with the SEv combination for 5 days now, everyday it worked very well(i recorded a brief video 20+- sec do u want me to send you? (poor quality though))

    Will change to XBooster + xperiment1 2moro.. following your sound program ^^

    Sincerely grateful for your unselfishness to share and help newbie walleters.


  77. After you guys had tried the phase3 programme , i will share with you guys a simple diagram , i hope this simple diagram will help you guys to unlock yourself from the conventional belief planted by our great sifu.. Before that remember to tryout the Xwave booster sound 1st .. GOOD luck too of us!!

    Time really flies tomorrow is another saturday ..

  78. Bro Wiki,

    Can share your EW3 & Desire Inap? My email is Many thks.

  79. 1+,bos wiki,
    please,share your sound

  80. Bro, i havent received the EW3 yet, do u send to wrong email ?

  81. Here i am , +1 for very Best WIKIWALET !

  82. Xwave1 ft SE & 20000 BC Released .. Check your email!

    I hope all that had followed our Xseries Project benefited from our Sound Discovery. Try to check out Xwave1 remastered technique.

    Those currently using Desire inap my advise is just keep this sound for your BH.

    With the right attitude , i am sure our BH will definitely successful.. Good luck to all of us..

    by wikiwalet

    1. thx u wiki ~ all the best +1~!
      wish wiki also can send me a desire inap :) thx alot ...

  83. Dear Wiki,
    Thank you very much for this fabulous sound Xwave1...(& others fantastic sounds in the Xseries project)... cannot thank you enough for your kind efforts & sharing with us your learned knowledge and discovery...thanks +1

  84. Mr. WIKI can u send this sound (Xwave1 ft SE & 20000 BC)to my email: TQ

  85. +1 wiki walet , thx for sharing

    my bh in Thailand plz me try to test Desire Inap
    plz send me Desire Inap at
    thx you wikiwalet

  86. Dear wiki, i've been trying booster XSeries program for 3 days now.. So far i don't really see birds gather around my bh as i've got for my V+XSeries program test. I wonder if theres any error in the sequence of my sound program or it's just the bird in my area is getting tired of the ew3 primary sound continously played for 1 week..

    Anyway here's my BH setup for X-series booster :-
    HEX : ew3,booster2,xperiment1,ew3,booster4,xperiment1
    ROVING : Victoryinap

    If anyone find any wrong with it, please advise!!
    Now gonna try the xwave1 20,000 bc replacing ew3 as primary sound, lets hope it delivers good result here in Johor Malaysia ==

    1. As i always said all sound have it expiry date.. same goes to xwave sound.. base on your updates, there are high possibility you had maximize your ew3 primary sound..

      Btw, I don't think u should go for xperiment sound for your daily programme because many feedback conclusion is xperiment1 sound tend to failed getting the birds to stay within their bh parimeter but good thing about xperiment1 is there are some good loops we can extract , especially the part where birds suddenly do a U turn.

      Put it this way, Maybe u can consider this combination for ew3 ...
      HEX : EW3 + Booster4 + Xwave1 + Booster 4 + Ur Favourite SE sound + EW3+ Booster 4

      As for entrance hole to be safe try using Victory inap or Booster 2.

      Btw u r the best volunteer who really go with Xperiment1 sound :) The word xperiment i used for this project is more like sound test besides it is really important to carry out more xperiment sound in order to extract the power sound otherwise sooner or later all of our sound will be outdated.

      Boss summer , why not u maintain with ew3 as ur primary sound for one more day based on the new combination method.. if Ew3 really expired what u can do is u unleashed your xwave 1 + xbooster + vSeries.

      Your results is very important for all of us as we all will be heading towards the reliability part of Xwave project..

      Good news is being part of this project you guys are so lucky to be able to enjoy the exclusive sound unlike in those days we all need to always update our sound by buying new sound which may not even promise u 90% results .

      Good luck my friend

  87. Dear wiki, so far my BH only using 3 sound, that is Hexagon , entrance hole and internal sound .. i plan to use desire inap as my internal sound, any advise from wiki which sound to use for my hexagon and which sound to use for my entrance hole could be good combination ? and do i need to use more than 1 sounds for my entrance hole ?

    1. If i am u i will consider using 2 internal sound .. Human and any living creature tend to have certain similar brain wave, CHOICE + Reference + Decision.

      Base on this theory i read my suggestion is instead of allowing the birds to make a decision to choose your Nearby BH and yours .. Why not we CHeat this birds making them to decide Sound A or Sound B.. This is something I belief we should look into for our BH sound Setting .

      Based on my collection of information collected through my cctv , I had been noticing this similar birds surveying method in my bh! NR A - NR B - NR A - NR B - and eventually stick with desire Inap NR B.

      For my bh i did the same thing for my external sound Entrance hole A & Entrance hole B .. Both Entrance hole As if 2 BH , and it really helped to make the birds stay longer within my bh Parameters.

      If your bh had never tried Victory inap i would have suggested u to use this sound for entrance hole , other than this u may also consider tryout the booster sound for entrance hole instead.. Looking at the way birds circling the hexagon irregardless your own birds or new birds my conclusion is birds excepted this sound content... Certain sound content birds fly high in the sky and some we see birds chasing each other .. All in all different sound content promise different results. but as long it is a swiftlet sound birds will respond.

      all the best my friend

    2. actually, i m using gizmo pooling as my hexagon now, SE52 for my entrance hole(my bh is modify from shophouse and only having 1 entrance hole-monkey house), and my own internal sound which similar to superin if not mistaken .. after read ur advice above, i plan to use victory inap (external sound version right?)for my entrance sound .. for hexagon maybe i will swap my SE52 become my hexagon or maybe the sound X W A V E 1 ft. SE & 20,000 BC become my hexagon sound.. by the way, may i know x wave1 is design for hexagon or entrance hole?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. try the original Victory inap as your entrance hole.. Hexagon use the sound programme method otherwise i think it will be a litte bit less exciting for the birds.

      Why would u just want the birds to gather in your bh sound coverage parameter if u can make use of the extra excitement to make your bh different compared to all other conventional successful BH..

      Looking at the sound selection, using victoryinap for entrance hole , i am sure some will say we do not know what we are doing.. But victoryinap blend pretty well with SE hexagon sound .. So what is right and what is wrong?

      Another consideration is how many sound do you have to offer to this demanding swiftlet birds? i have invented like 200 over sounds at least 80 favourite sound i kept for raining day almost 1000 of swiftlet sounds in my album... but again with the amount of sound i brought to vietnam my bh is still just doing fine , no super tsunami . We cannot exclude the TIME factor but we can expedite the ROI breakeven point. THis is at least we can do for our hard earn money we have invested for our BH.

      Battling within the conventional battle field we will never survived, What our Pioneer have is the crowd advantages , some with super secrets and even their bh internal is already like a cave to the birds ..

      Bro it is time to move on to new era , like the internet era !! I am sure you do not want to be left out of this new swiftlet farming era.. Besides nowadays ppl are already talking about captive breeding..

      My advise is if we are not the heavyweight challenger , we can still go against the lightweight challenger.. So just do what is the best for our own BH .. That is one reason i use the word Unleashed the Giant within ..

      Again there is no rigid solution for Swiftlet farming every bh scenario is different. whatever theory made available in the market is just theory and may not be the 100% solution. However, what we can really do is structure the basic and implement what we have learned accordingly to what is the best for our BH! In swiftlet farming there is no right or wrong as long as you get birds that is the right solution, that is your own formula .

      NOTE: Create your own battle field that is where you dictate the rules .. If u need to blast your neighbour bh just do it! besides that is what many bh owner already practicing.. Another method use a batman light shoot your neighbour bh ..

    5. not a very positive idea.. using spotlight on ur hostile bh lol u may cause the other to burn your bh down in the night or so =.=!

    6. lol!! that batman spotlight thing was exactly what my nearby bh did :) NO joke he did that ! but after awhile he stop ..

      Btw please don't try this method , u can shoot the sky but you do not want to shot your friendly neighbour bh and obviously you do not want your bh being burn down!! loL!

    7. Dear wikiwalet, may i know which version of victory inap r u talking about for the use as sound at entrance hole? victory inap 2100 or victory inap external by Swiftlet Einstein (24hours Project File) or Victory Inap ori mp3 ???

  88. BOS Wiki..... Sy dah Trma X W1 SE&20000.Suara ni Sunggu BAIK, Sy Prcaya BOS Wiki Layak WAKIL Sluruh ASIA, PAKAR Walet, Bdidik Kasih, PAKAR Bruding WALET D ASIA. SY DOA KAN BOS Wiki Tbuh bdan C HAT, Murah REZEKI......

    1. BOss wah cai ,

      terima kasih atas sokongan boss to project kita bersama ini.. All of us living in different part of the world but we are all here because we love swiftlet birds.. Pendapat wiki isu conflict of interest ini sebenarnya tak patut dijadikan alasan untuk kita tidak mengamalkan attitude tolong menolong.. Unless if we are here for profit orientated..

      All in all, as long as it is a win-win situation i hope we all can work hand in hand helping each other.. Not only in swiftlet but in our daily life..

      Let's do our part and let's see if we all can really unleashed this giant piezo sound together .. GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF US..

      by wikiwalet

  89. Guys, I am sure most of us tested BlackCloud for your bh!! Do u think we should try out BlackCLoud booster again for our BH? Is it a wise decision for this moment ? Please share your thoughts ..

    1. Blackcloud dont have any effect on my BH for the past 6month, i tested it occasionally hoping it will bring extravaganza effect but ... nothing happens lol

      VOTE : No

    2. I used to be a great fan of Blackcloud when i 1st launch my bh! the respond is really good in the evening but no birds stay over.. Honestly after many discussion with my bh friends i am actually quite reluctant to use Black cloud as well..

      How about Arief X ?

    3. Black Cloud also does not give any effectiveness in our TienGiang, Vietnam.

    4. As others bro mentioned, blackcloud also don have any effect on my BH .. i m from sarawak .. But marvelous cloud, kgod, jaguar did very well in my area ..

  90. hi wiki , i have tried it before and the result not bad also for my new bh , may i know what is the function of the booster ? sorry for my noob question ..

    1. In phase 1 : we had covered the 4 wave & 4 frequency sound editing technique ..

      however SEW3 is too concentrated pooling sound , where with this sound we should be able to gather more birds within our bh sound coverage parameter ..

      In order to moderate this sound we use the booster sound to bring down this birds hoping they will end up and stay overnight in our bh that is why we use the Pooling+Booster sound Programme..

      However , the result is still not good enough to really unleashed the giant within our piezo. So this week i had shared the Phase 3 : create your own sound programme. I wish with the right tailored sound programme all of us can deliver a more sustaining result ..

      In brief, we use booster to enhance our primary sound purpose to make the birds stay longer in our bh sound coverage parameter , this is one method to get more birds surveying our bh in the evening session and also to allow our primary sound lasted longer.

    2. thx ~ i got the points right now . sorry for the newbie question and hope i can learn from wiki's sifu about the sound programme and understand for it ~ erm .. may i get ew3 sound too ? i also hope i can join and test how the walet sounds is working ..

  91. Ty wiki for your suggestion, i will try the program 2moro and hopefully it will works(i loved ew3!!)

    If i addapt Booster2 to be entrance and victory inap stays as roving external is dat ok? I've never seen bird attracted to booster2 when it's loop in the hexagonal started ..

    Wiki srry if i rushed you a bit .. but where is the DIY Sound Program Diagram u talked abt b4? @@

  92. Phase 4 : Create your own sound Programme

    Email Sent!

    1. send to me 2

    2. Mr wiki..can u send this sound to my

    3. bro, i m really interest to learn the technique of creating our own sound .. but i duno anything about the editing program .. i have the basic idea what to edit, but i dun have the knowledge how to make it .. for example, i want to combine 2 differ sound and try to make both sound volume become nearly same (maybe it can consider as db?) .. also learn how to cut out the noisy and disturbing sound .. but i duno how to see the wave .. i mean even there is a wave chart for me, i duno which part is noise or disturbing part.. i really hope i can learn those skill, so that i can become sound Engineer like bro wikiwalet also .. it is my dream actually!

    4. Most important thing you need to do is , try to understand all the main sound like mating, baby , calling, etc.. birds made different sound in different hours and the weather as fell.. They don't sing same sound everyday.. they have 2 ears playing different function . do your research which frequency is the best.. Will mixing 2 sounds confuse the birds answer is no but make sure you mix the right sound.

      Identify yourself a good sound editing programme .. read the manual try figure out how to make use of the programme.. Noisy sound may not be bad.. Even poor recording sound sometimes give better results than the crystal clear recording.. Every birds sing, but make sure you select the super star Colony King sounds like justin bieber - higly demanded by youngsters!

      TO make your dream come true, take my advise spend more time understand your birds flying rhythm, once u get to know how your birds responding to your bh this is where u can experiment your sound.. Example 1pm normally 20 birds with sound A , using your sound How many birds you are getting? Try to cover every part of the day ..!!

      Implement a PC controlling your hexagon sound, Position your cctv towards your hexagon and entrance hole ,Roving room , 2 nesting room to understand which nexting room sound is giving the best results..

      Good luck !

  93. Anyone would like to try out 18,000 BC sound :)

    1. wiki u always best *O*

      please send at
      thank you

    2. why not? Please send ^^

    3. 18,000 BC pre-launching sound
      - thailand
      - JB malaysia
      - Vietnam

      Any indonesia ?

    4. Bro Wiki, is BC for entrance hole or hexagonal? I would like to try it. Email: TQ. :)

    5. I prefer something soft for my entrance hole .. why not u use bc for hexagon.. the content with bc can be for both!

    6. Dear Sifu Wiki,
      yes i would like to try BC... thanks

  94. Hi wiki, Please send again EW3 and Desire Inap. Because, password DI i wasn't opened and ew3 i don't have. Tks wiki

    1. and me too wiki , planning to change hex tweeter to horn tweeter hp5000 at kelantan bh
      my email

  95. guys I Hope you can try out Xwave1 .. i have 3 version of xwave1 - remastered , raw , and 4 frequencies ..

    we will be able to come out with a conclusion if u guys can come back with me the feedback. I really wish to know how effective is Xseries 4 frequencies sound technique , your feedback is very important to our project future and our future swiftlet sound ..

    Thank you

  96. Bro wikiwalet, can i have EW3 ? , and i have a question, i only have 1 amplifier for my entrance hole, it is with timer .. and how can i do sound program for my external sound? because i only able to go my BH at evening time .. issit i have to combine the few sound together and wait morning time to plug the thumb drive in ? any idea ?

    1. you mean L/R cobime or mix sound if L/R u put 2 sound in the audicity then
      1.split to mono(both)
      2.delete one of each
      3 set the sound one L and one for R channel
      then make it stereo quite simple still not pro as sifu-sifu

    2. Hecate, you r rite in the way to create different sound in the L & R channel. I have done it before but it turned out that one set of the tweeters (either L or R) didn't sound at all.
      I didn't know why it happened and an wiring contractor also encountered the same problem. Maybe it got to do with the way the wiring was done. So, be careful for those who are trying out such L & R sound separation. Make doubly sure that both channels emit sound when the thumb-drive is played.
