Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Tips by Pak Arief Budiman

Agar walet cepat bikin sarangPDFPrintE-mail
Salah satu cara  agar gedung walet cepat terisi, yaitu dengan memodifikasi papan sirip. Caranya,  melapisi papan sirip dengan alumunium. Bukan lembaran alumunium licin yang bagian tengahnya digaris-garis, melainkan alumunium berlubang yang biasa dipakai untuk antena parabola. Secara mudah disebut  ram  parabola. Alumunium ini bisa dibeli di toko bangunan. Dengan melapis ( sebagian) papan sirip dengan alumunium ini, dalam waktu cepat walet akan membuat sarang.
 Di beberapa tempat, sekitar  tahun 2000 an  saya pernah eksperimen, antara lain di gedung walet Daniel Chandra di Samuda-Sampit-Kalimantan Tengah. Jika anda sempat ke sentra walet Samuda, lalu anda melihat bangunan besar 5 lantai dengan tiang baja, wajah depannya bercat kotak-kotak merah putih, itulah gedung beliau. Di belakang gedung tersebut terdapat sungai besar Mentaya untuk lalu lintas kapal ke Sampit. Jika sore hari saya suka mancing ikan di pinggiran sungai  sambil melihat walet mandi. Saya membikin desain gedung itu dan mengelola dari nol, hingga kini telah berisi ribuan sarang walet.  
Alasan menggunakan alumunium parabola, agar walet mudah hinggap. Ini disebabkan terdapatnya lubang-lubang kecil di alumunium itu. Selain itu, sifat alumunium yang dingin membuat walet betah menempel. Pengunaan alumunium ini, untuk solusi papan sirip yang keras atau licin. Juga untuk membungkus balok cor. Tidak harus semua papan sirip dilapis alumunium, cukup sebagian saja. Saya memasang di sekitar twiter saja. Juga  di sudut papan sirip.
Dari pengamatan saya, walet memang lebih senang hinggap di alumunium tersebut. Ini disebabkan mudahnya walet menempel. Kaki walet yang kecil akan dengan enaknya mencengkeram lubang alumunium itu, bagai pemanjat tebing yang menemukan celah untuk pijakan kaki dan cengkeraman jari sehingga terasa ringan menopang tubuhnya. Tentu fasilitas ini sangat dibutuhkan oleh walet yang masih usia muda. Kondisi dingin alumunium menambah betah walet menempel berjam-jam di awal adaptasi. Maka tidak lama kemudian, akan terlihat goretan-goretan lembut tipis putih  liur walet  membikin fondasi  sarang sebagai tanda dimulainya pembangunan sarang.  
Namun ada beberapa catatan penting yang perlu diketahui, bahwa  kondisi gedung tidak boleh kering. Jika kelembapan rendah, maka sarang walet yang menempel di alumunium itu tidak sempurna bentuknya, bahkan mudah terkelupas. Saat saya mengontrol gedung Daniel, sering mendapati sarang walet jatuh ke lantai, terutama di lantai 5, dimana kelembapan rendah  dan suhunya relatif agak lebih tinggi.
Selain beberapa keuntungan, ada juga problemnya, yaitu alumunium tersebut ternyata “kalah kuat” untuk melawan liur walet. Saya tidak tahu mengapa air liur walet bisa mengalahkan alumunium. Waktu saya angkat sarang, alumunium yang semula utuh, jadi berlubang. Lalu setelah  saya amati, ternyata potongan alumunium ada di dalam sarang. Besoknya saya mengganti dengan lembaran alumunium baru. Tidak lama kemudian walet membikin sarangnya kembali  di tempat semula.
Apakah penggunaan alumunium parabola itu untuk selamanya? Tentu tidak. Setelah populasi mulai berkembang, alumunium parabola tidak perlu dipasang lagi. Menurut saya, penggunaan alumunium itu sifatnya hanya sementara, yakni di awal proses pemancingan, yaitu di tahun pertama saja. Namun jika papan sirip licin, penggunaan alumium ini tentu sangat menguntungkan untuk seterusnya.   Bulan Agustus tahun  ini, saya diminta menangani gedung walet di Subang-Jawa Barat, yang populasinya mulai stagnan. Gedung walet ini sudah 9 tahun milik Bapak Gunawan, persis di samping station radio Venus. Kenapa populasinya stagnan? Salah satu sebabnya karena sebagian papan sirip menggunakan lapisan alumunium. Namun  alumunium yang dipakai licin yang bagian tengahnya di garis-garis. Walet sebenarnya suka di alumunium karena terasa dingin. Namun garis di alumunium itu tidak cukup dalam sehingga walet kesulitan menempel. Kaki walet tidak bisa mencengkeram. Jika anda pemanjat tebing, tentu akan mengindari dinding tebing yang licin dan bergeser mencari dinding yang  bercelah. Saya menyarankan kepada Pak Gunawan untuk mengganti  dengan ram parabola saja.  Awal bulan ini, saya mengontrol lagi ke Subang. Saya melihat  ada puluhan sarang baru mulai menempel di alumunium parabola. Wajah Pak Gunawan kini kembali bersinar. Populasi waletnya yang semula stagnan, kini bisa terbantu dengan solusi ram parabola. Kemarin pagi beliau SMS, “Haturnuhun pisan  pak Arief atas bantuannya…”  Saya balas : “ Muhun, sami-sami, ngiring bingah oge…”

GREAT SHARING by Wikiwalet Group Member Yen Kien Giang

Tuesday, 30 August 2011


 Sound Name : BIRD NEST 2nd Edition



             MARCH 2012 

DOWNLOAD NOW : SARIKEI S3 (Limited Edition)

  SARIKEI S3 (Limited Edition)
Duration : 16 Mins
File Size : 15.5MB


 Type : External
 Duration : 40 Mins
 File Size : 37MB




              DURESS CALL                        




BLACK CLOUD Invaded Pahang

BLACK CLOUD invaded Tuaran, SABAH

Monday, 29 August 2011



Sound Name : KULAI STAR
 31st August 2011

DR. CHRIS 5 Star Internal & External Farming Audio

5 Star Internal and External Farming Audio CDs (MP3 format)

A Grade Swiftlet Farming audio -  Flagship of Dr Lim's continuous research and innovation (You will not be able to get these from else where !)
Reliable Swiftlet Farming CDs

Gone are the days when swiftlet sound application is on a trial and error basis. Fortunately or unfortunately, swiftlet sound is both the strength and Achilles' heel of the swiftlet farming industry. Any wrong or inappropriate swiftlet CD usage would lead to the down fall of a farm; conversely an appropriate and reliable swiftlet audio sound management is one of the most effective weapons to attract birds to nest in your farm.

At such, no swiftlet farms will be complete without our range of swiftlets chirping CDs. These CDs have been tested vigorously in various locations in Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia and have been rated 5 stars by independent swiftlet farmers. Their effects are deemed immediate and long lasting; not surprisingly all our users have enjoyed good swiftlets occupancy rates and nesting rates after using our swiftlets chirp CDs.

Furthermore, all our CDs have digital crystal clear quality and we guarantee ours to attract A. Fuchiphagus species only.

Our CDs is a must for all aspiring swiftlet millionaires farmers!
For the first time in Malaysia, we are proud to present this unparallel range of Swiftlet Audio CDs, which fall into the category of:
Powerful swiftlet locater and gatherer audio
A-Grade swiftlet farm external audio
A-Grade swiftlet farm internal audio
Learn how to use these audio to further enhance the appeal and attraction of your farm. After all audio is the first point of contact between the birds and your farm. If you are unsure of which type of swiftlet audio is best for your farm, do drop us a mail and we will do our best to be of assistance to you!

What is the advantage of buying swiftlet audio from this web site ?
First of all, you will be able to buy the audio directly from the a reliable and trusted expert, Dr. Lim.
Next, you will be guided personally by Dr. Lim as to how to use these CDs effectively to attract swiftlets/ to enhance the appeal of your farm.

Most important of all, you will have a piece of mind as all the CDs have been tested and used personally by Dr. Lim in his mega successful farms.

Is there similar audio CDs out there ?
While we cannot stop others from pirating our CDs, pirated CDs made from Dr. Lim's master copies are known to be of inferior quality. Hence they do not posses the same effectiveness as our flagship CDs.
If you have spent so much time and money in building your swiftlet farm, why save on the quality and effectiveness of bird audio ?

Posted by Pak Harry the Swiftlet Anthusiast

What Can Be A Possible Cause Of Your Birds Not Staying !!!

"Pak Harry my BH was recently put into operation and I can safely said that about 50-60 birds entered the BH in the evening.  My biggest concerned is that why in the morning only 5 birds left the BH?"

The exact words from a newbie from Vietnam who happened to drop by in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday August 25th, 2011.

I begin to wonder how can I get the right answer for him.

I started by asking him a few questions:

Q: What time did you shut down the external sound?

A: 8:00 pm Pak Harry.

Q: What sound do you play?

A: Marvellous cloud.

Q: What about internal sound, why sound?

A: SuperBabyKing.

Q: The whole night?

A: Nope up to 9:00 pm.

Q: Again up to what time?

A: 9:00pm.

Q: You mean you play your internal sound up to 9:00pm and not until morning or 24 hours?

A: Yes only from 7:00 am until 9:00pm.

Q: Who give you this advise? I am sure it was not me!

A: From a "Sifu" in Vietnam.  They says that you will disturb the birds if you keep playing the internal sound late at night.

Q: Rubbish, you need to reorganize your internal sound timing  arrangement.  Run it for 24 hours using two separate amplifiers.  The most important is the night shift, it must be slightly louder from the daytime sound.  The next most important is to start it just about 15 minutes before you stop the external sound.  In your case is at 7:45pm.

The moment you switch of your internal sound those birds will have very little reasons to stay back.

The superbabyking sound makes them feel very comfortable, less stress and secured.

Try to report to me what happen once the arrangement is done.

I am 100% sure that most of those birds that entered will no longer leave the BH, I guaranteed him.

He was on the plane back to HCMC today at 7:00pm.

MINI MP3 SET Swiftlet Location Tester Quality Sound


GS-SOUND by Swiftletfarmer (

Monday, July 25, 2011

GS-Sound at Eco Park & X Factor

This Video was taken at an Eco Park. This particular Swiftlet farm is using the specially mixed Gs external sound. Before this the owner Mr .W was having hard time to attract birds to play and enter his Bh.

Given the situation of having so many Bhs there and with many Bhs blasting their sounds to attract birds, the competition is stiff. Everyone wants to win. No one wants to be a looser.

Mr.W had called me, he requested a good external sound for his Bh . He wants his Bh to stand out among all the Bhs there.

It is not an easy job. I told him if you want your Bh to stand out among all the Bhs at that Eco park your Bh needs to have something that other Bhs don’t have. “Uniqueness” I told him. Let me remix an External sound for you that would take few days if you could wait. Mr. W agreed

Often most sounds that are played from Bhs are purchased from the mass market, be it from the Web or shops they are copied from one CD or Pendrive to another. It’s common to find few Bhs in a same location using the same sound because the sounds they use are from the same source. Therefore there is no uniqueness in those sounds thus making it hard to attract birds.

What is the best sound, James? This is the question I always get and my reply is “Good tuned, none distortion, perfect frequency setting and most important no one has it except you”.

Have you ever wonder why must the birds choose your Bh instead of others? What so special about your Bh? Your Bh has all the Planks, sound, Humidifiers and so on, so does the Bh next to yours…think…

When your Bh has the uniqueness which some called it the X factor then it could attract many birds to stay and make nests. The X factor that many Sifus couldn’t explain, for me I call it uniqueness. Everything could be explained it is a matter whether one could understand or otherwise. Simple, it is just like reading a book or watching a movie. If you understand what you have read then you could explain what the whole book is all about. If you can’t that means you don’t understand what you have read and to avoid embarrassment you call it X factor.

Many Sifus had hijacked the X factor, anything they don’t know, they don’t understand or they don’t know why it happens they call it X factor. This confused many Swiftlet farmers.

So actually you could create the X factor provided you know and understand what it needs to create uniqueness.

One of them is having a Good sound that no one has.

Good Swiftlet farming All

Saturday, 27 August 2011


kondisi 3 bulan sebelumnya,,,

hari ke 2
Length: ‎1:22

versi panjang burung antri trus

Length: ‎3:44

TECHNIC of CENTER SOUND by Pak Hendri Mulia

FINAL RESULT delivered by using  the Technic of Center Sound  by Pak Hendri Mulia.

  • Technic of center sound 

     ‎2 month result ... Technic of center sound ...

    Photo was uploaded into Wikiwalet Facebook Group by Calvin Chai & Benjamin Chai

EMOTION posted by wikiwalet


Emotion is a funny thing. We can feel it, sense it in others, or see it on people’s faces or in their body language. These images and the story they tell are a great example. Some people think animals aren’t capable of the complex emotions ascribed to the bird in these pictures.

These pictures are heartbreaking and I have no doubt that they are real. I’ve been observing birds for years. I’ve seen a crow return to her nest in a tall pine to discover that city tree trimmers destroyed it. I heard her scream in grief - the eeriest and saddest sound I’ve ever heard.

It really makes you wonder about some things. This is a true sign that all mammals have some sort of heart or soul. Mothers care for their young and will even die for them. A prime example of this is the Mockingbird. It will die to protect it’s young and I feel that it has a connection with this. It’s very sad…

Anyone who truly believes that animals dont have emotions doesnt know a thing about animals. They have their rituals and their own cultures and ways of communicating just like people do. They have families and they love. There has been many examples of this behavior.

I think that some people need to believe that it is not true in order to feel superior to the animals, when in fact the quality that truly makes us superior is to recognize it and appreciate it and protect the animals vulnerable existance on this earth with.... the most evil and dangerous animal of all.... MAN-KIND!


Hari ini Wiki ingin SHARE cerita FENG SHUi MAster wiki kepada member-member wiki..

Menurut nasihat Feng Shui Master Wiki !! kalau destiny kita macam kereta Kancil Perodua janganlah expect Kereta Kancil Perodua boleh transformed kepada FERRARI!!

When wiki relates this thought with the stories shared by most Con-sultan!

Wiki really curious how he can change a small Kancil Perodua into A Super Ferrari?

So wiki advise to all members , please don't easily being sweet talk by listening to others!! Sometimes what we see may not even be REAL!

But wiki belief , if we get a real good advised from Genuine & Sincere Consultant we maybe able to upgrade our Kancil Perodua Performance, as powerful as SUPER FERRARI - Have anyone seen the movie HERBIE? Kereta boleh cakap...

Ini pendapat wiki untuk hari ini 27th August 2011

posted by wikiwalet

Friday, 26 August 2011


MESSAGE Wiki kepada semua CON-SULTAN yang tak bertamadun jangan hantar LOVE LETTER kepada wiki ! Kalau NAK Bersuara PLEase LOOK at the mirror FIRST..

KALAU Wiki releasekan suara menyinggun perasaan CON-SULTAN ! TOO BAD .. Demi wang yang sedikit:-


Merosakan Maksud definasi CONSULTANT !!

Note: CON-SULTAN & CONSULTANT 2 different Meaning!

Kalau Nak bincang guna identity sendiri jangan berlindung dibelakang gambar amoi dan burung Kalau tersilap jadi PONDAN!

All in All , Kalau WIKI give FREE Lagu - Owner Lagu Memang ada RIGHTS untuk ADVISE wiki. Kalau WIki Jual LAGU atau Edit lagu orang - Owner Lagu memang ada RIGHTS untuk Marah WIKI...


ONE MORE LOve letter ! I ENSURE U GUYS TAK perlu lagi beli lagu dari consultant nak beli STRAIGHT AWAY to the OWNER !!

Besides satu RBW tak perlu guna 100 lagu burung.. Buat apa pergi hunt for lagu editing orang - Suara Lagu Burung CON-SULTANT SENDIRI unless U nak buka RBW di tepi RBW COn-SULTAN itu!!!

Only a low class consultant or PHD walet Tak boleh pakai will write love letter and suka guna identity Palsu . LUcky wikiwalet is a BH owner! 26 august 2011.

Posted by wikiwalet

Thursday, 25 August 2011


         COMING SOON

              FEBRUARY 2012


           COMING SOON

                        JANUARY 2012

SOUND REVIEW : Boon Out External

Sound Name : BOON OUT 
Type : External

Wikiwalet Review & Rating :
-  VERY GOOD : 9 Votes
-  FAILURE        : 1 Votes
 Note: kindly refer to Wikiwalet : Swiftlet Sound Tsunami
(Facebook Group).

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

SOUND REVIEW : SARIKEI External (Quality Sound)

Sound Name : Sarikei External
Type : External
Duration : 32.24mins
File Size : 29.67MB

Note: Tested & Proven. Contact wikiwalet for URL Link.